Let's Do Something Together! Episode II


For the second round of this personal challenge, let’s try a more direct “homework assignment:”

Consider what it would take for you to become homeless

and share some scenarios in the comments. Imagine changing your situation, even slightly, to see what might make it more likely.

  • What if you got a job across the country and had to move away from your family and support structure? How would that change your own route to living unsheltered?

  • What if you are in a car accident, no fault of your own of course, and lose your leg…then your job…then what else?

  • Lost jobs due to Covid make this even more potent. Share your experience or worries to help us all understand our shared vulnerability.

Even if the scenario only results in your being homeless for a short period of time, try to imagine what it would take in a few different circumstances and consider sharing your thoughts with us in the comments.

***REPOST*** We did not get any responses to this post last November so we’re giving it another go :) Please share your thoughts in comments on Facebook or below

Our first post in the “Let’s Do Something Together” series has yet to result in any comments so please feel free to revisit that post and share some thoughts and discussions.