Big “Thanks!” to Pepa’s for feeding our hard-working volunteers
Lauren working hard at Veteran’s Memorial Park back on October 10, 2020
Lauren is leading the charge for another cleanup effort in Silverdale that was suggested to us by a good friend, Michelle.
Clear Creek Trail is a gorgeous spot that is in need of much TLC so we hope you can join us for this cleanup.
Read more about our cleanups and why they are so important on our blog!
Parking at the trail entrance off Silverdale Way NW
We will focus on a number of areas along the trail
If you aren’t able to join us, please consider donating to help feed our volunteers lunch when we don’t get lunch donated by fantastic local establishments :) Any excess donations will be used to feed volunteers at future events.
Sturdy hiking shoes
Change of clothes for afterwards
Personal Towel (just in case)
Your own gloves if you’ve got a pair you like
If you bring a camera or plan to use your phone to take pictures, please be very respectful about who and what you snap. We are cleaning around people’s homes so ask before taking a picture of people, tents, or belongings.
Snacks and Drinks
Hand Sanitizer
Hand Wipes
Thick Gloves
We will try to have some masks on hand
Trash Bags