We want to get together with you to celebrate this year. We’re looking forward to some quality hang time with the people we work with, our volunteers and donors, and all the groups we are lucky enough to work alongside.
Please join us for a relaxed, online get-together which will include some fun trivia (see below), music, door prizes, and more.
Video meeting room will open around 6pm on Dec. 3rd
Please RSVP here so that we know how many awesome people to plan for :)
Grab your favorite beverage and come hang
Trivia - prizes for winners
Door prizes
Music performance by Allison Preisinger
Bring answers to the following questions and we’ll score them during the party for some great prizes! Our goal is to have fun so most of the questions include links that will be very helpful for finding the answers - but it’s not without its challenges. Winners (players with the most points at the end of the game, will be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card!
10 Points
Anton is a very dedicated podcast listener. His favorite trivia-based podcast, Trivial Warfare, actually donated $200 to NWH after Anton won a question-writing contest in one of their early episodes. Anton also embarrassed himself as a contestant on one of their episodes - which episode was Anton invited onto?10 Points
NWH was incorporated on an auspicious day in 2016 and now shares a birthday with John Mayer and Sue Bird (Marie Antoinette also happens to have been killed on this day…). On which day of the year was NWH incorporated?15 Points (5 each)
NWH started with two simple programs and has grown to include several more. List three of NWH’s current programs.10 Points
What is the name of the company that provides NWH-branded merchandise for supporters to enjoy on our website?10 Points
Which actor has brought to screen both Legolas Greenleaf AND a beloved Star Wars character that he has played in more than 10 movies?30 Points - Scavenger hunt math!
Use the links below to solve the following equation for X:
R = Number of Resources in NWH’s Resource ToolP = Kitsap Neighborhood Little Pantries listed on our Pantries map (only count KNLP locations)
V = Number of Unique volunteers in 2020
T = Pounds of trash picked up during all Environmental Hospitality events
G = Number of grants awarded to NWH and all of the groups we are sponsoring