The Many Faces of Violence

West Seattle Mutual Aid Party, a partner of NW Hospitality, usually reserves their regular updates for their volunteers and supporters. However, here is a snippet of one of their recent updates; a follow-up to the threatening letter that they shared previously.

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We spent the weekend supporting our friends as they faced an alarming amount of violence, which shows up on their doorsteps in many different forms. Our regular Saturday survival program connected us with around 25 people, half of whom were swept by the city just days prior. These sweeps, conducted without any offer of resources from the city, are one form of violence. Our friends were forced from an industrial-zoned location and with nowhere to go but into more residential areas. In their new location, they were immediately subjected to further threats of violence from their housed neighbors, as we reported in last week's report back. These written threats were followed by someone dumping dozens of brand new, unused hypodermic needles around their homes. Not content with this level of harassment, a driver in a grey/silver sedan, on two separate occasions, fired gunshots in close proximity to these same households. The weekend ended with another recently-swept friend in the hospital with severe burns after their RV caught fire because of a heater they were using. Thankfully they are alive, but they have a long road of recovery ahead.

You can follow West Seattle Mutual Aid Party on Twitter:

And you can support them through NWH here or through their Patreon here.