Spread the awesome that is Northwest Hospitality

There are a number of ways to help NWH in addition to your generous donations. 

  1. Flyers

    • Help spread our name by putting up flyers. Get the appropriate permissions and make sure they stay up. The more people we have in our ranks the more people we can help.
      Find fliers here!

  2. Talk about us to your family & friends

    • Homelessness can be a difficult thing to discuss. It's difficult because we ALL want to do something about it. We might not always agree on what to do but we hope that NWH's programs tow a great line between safe, effective, and non-enabling that most people can get behind.

    • Challenge your friends to a fundraising competition in our benefit! You can be confident that all of your hard-raised contributions will be put to great use, every single penny :)

  3. Assembly party

    • This is actually another great opportunity to get our name out there, with an added bonus that some Hospitality kits get created which means our neighbors get helped!

  4. Connections

    • Help connect us with companies, organizations, or people you think might be interested in joining our mission. Maybe they can raise funds or supply items for our raffles and silent auctions. Perhaps they can organize a big assembly or distribution party or they might just want to donate. Share us around, you never know who might have a passion for thoughtful outreach to local homeless.

      Let everybody know about all the great ways to donate! :)

  5. There's got to be a bunch of other ways to spread our mission. Post suggestions on our Facebook page and we'll be sure to respond! :)