Our WHY:
What if you could change the story for one person at risk of becoming homeless?
This Task Force will work to eliminate homelessness by establishing a pathway to stability for workers, with living wages, upward mobility, and ongoing training and development.
We catalyze collaboration among organizations working to find solutions for homelessness.
As Business leaders, we lead by example.
We intentionally engage younger generations, the next wave of business leaders, in the process.
Our WHO: Current Target Demographic
Young Adults Aging Out of Foster Care; Twenty-five percent of these young adults will experience homelessness within the first year of leaving foster care, and 50 percent will be homeless within the first four years.
The Working Poor; The US Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports 5% of working individuals are earning wages below the poverty line. That means for every 20 people you know with a job, at least 1 is working poor.
Our HOW:
Co-Leaders and Champions
Business Champion works to identify and organize Businesses aligned with Success Pathway opportunities.
Business Training Champions works to train and equip businesses to move candidates through the Success Pathway.
Social Services Champion works to unite the efforts of participating organizations.
Monthly Meeting and Progress Reporting
Program Framework:
Businesses participate at a level that suits their needs, and interns are matched to appropriate positions.
101- New to the workforce or has never been employed.
201- Has some entry-level work experience or has not successfully held a job position.
301- Has successfully held a job position but has not been given the opportunity to grow.
401- Has successfully shown intrinsic drive and motivation for work and growth opportunities.