Northwest Hospitality

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August 2024 Newsletter

Well, it’s been another busy month. Vehicle repairs - including new tires, new brakes, and a zillion other repairs to keep our neighbors safely on the road. We connected with some new folks, including getting a young man set up with clothing for a new job. We have continued to receive and sort clothing donations for the Mobile Supply Closet.

We are always on the lookout for more advocates but we are also currently seeking a couple more volunteers to join our Board of Directors. If you think you might be interested in this or just want to learn a little more about it, send us a message!

Superstar volunteer, Robert, organized a group of volunteers to staff the entertainment, vendor, and campground gate at the Jefferson County Fair in exchange for a $500 donation to NW Hospitality. πŸ™Œ

Big thank you to the JeffCo Fair for the donation! And special thanks to volunteers Robert, Aaron, Melissa, and Cheryl. πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

Our good friends, the PO Helpers, hosted a huge fundraiser sale for another local group this summer. After the sale, they donated a mountain of clothing our Mobile Supply Closet. We always love working with these amazing folks and are so so so grateful for their continued support of NW Hospitality.

In case you missed it…

Ways to get involved

  1. Volunteer -

  2. Donate Funds -

    • please consider becoming a monthly supporter! πŸ’™

  3. Donate Items - Some of our current needs include: